wondering what to do after graduation?
you're not alone
Planning your career can be fun, but it is also confusing and sometimes – scary! But it doesn’t have to be. You have tons of resources to help you figure out what you want to be when you grow up.

Remember that assessment you took in middle school? Enter your result and find out more!

setting the record straight
You can fix more than just your future with a career in construction. If you like planning and design, a career in architecture and construction might be right for you!
Join Virginia’s largest private industry in Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources. If you like science and the environment, a career in agriculture might suit you!
Let your creativity flow with a career in arts and communication! From design, to writing, to performing and more, the possiblies are endless!
Dream of a career in business? Learn how to excell with leadership and organizational skills in the field of business and administration.
follow your path

Most careers require a High School Diploma or its equivalent – and most don’t look at whether it was an advanced studies diploma or general diploma!
While in high school, you can start your career path by taking career and technical education (CTE) classes or by participating in work-based learning opportunities. Ask your guidance counselor about how you can learn more, or check out the links below.
Jackson River Technical Center – Alleghany Highlands Public Schools students
Botetourt Technical Education Center – Botetourt and Craig County Public Schools students
Burton Center for Arts & Technology – Roanoke County Public Schools students
Roanoke Technical Education Center (ROTEC) – Roanoke City Public Schools students
Charles W. Day Technical Education Center (DAYTEC) – Roanoke City Public Schools students
Roanoke Valley Alleghany Region 5 Adult Education – provides services to individuals who need to obtain their high school diploma equivalency or General Education Diploma (GED).
there's no place like home
Your hometown has a lot of jobs – and a lot of different jobs, too!

Employers want these, too.

It costs way less to live here!

Benefits are money, too!